From my perspective, one of the biggest open problems in implementing programming languages is how to add a type system to the language without significantly complicating the implementation.
For example, in my tutorial Fall-from-Grace
implementation the type checker logic accounts for over half of the
code. In the following lines of code report I’ve highlighted the modules
responsible for type-checking with a ‡
$ cloc --by-file src/Grace/*.hs
File blank comment code
src/Grace/Infer.hs ‡ 499 334 1696
src/Grace/Type.hs ‡ 96 91 633
src/Grace/Syntax.hs 61 163 543
src/Grace/Parser.hs 166 15 477
src/Grace/Lexer.hs 69 25 412
src/Grace/Normalize.hs 47 48 409
src/Grace/Context.hs ‡ 72 165 249
src/Grace/Import.hs 38 5 161
src/Grace/REPL.hs 56 4 148
src/Grace/Interpret.hs 30 28 114
src/Grace/Pretty.hs 25 25 108
src/Grace/Monotype.hs ‡ 11 48 61
src/Grace/Location.hs 16 15 60
src/Grace/TH.hs 23 32 53
src/Grace/Value.hs 12 53 53
src/Grace/Input.hs 10 8 43
src/Grace/Compat.hs 9 2 32
src/Grace/Existential.hs ‡ 12 23 25
src/Grace/Domain.hs ‡ 4 7 20
SUM: 1256 1091 5297
That’s 2684 lines of code (≈51%) just for type-checking (and believe me: I tried very hard to simplify the type-checking code).
This is the reason why programming language implementers will be pretty keen to just not implement a type-checker for their language, and that’s how we end up with a proliferation of untyped programming languages (e.g. Godot or Nix), or ones that end up with a type system bolted on long after the fact (e.g. TypeScript or Python). You can see why someone would be pretty tempted to skip implementing a type system for their language (especially given that it’s an optional language feature) if it’s going to balloon the size of their codebase.
So I’m extremely keen on implementing a “lean” type checker that has a high power-to-weight ratio. I also believe that a compact type checker is an important foundational step for functional programming to “go viral” and displace imperative programming. This post outlines one approach to this problem that I’ve been experimenting with1.
The thing that bloats the size of most type-checking implementations is the need to track unification variables. These variables are placeholders for storing as-yet-unknown information about something’s type.
For example, when a functional programming language infers the type of something like this Grace expression:
(λx → x) true
… the way it typically works is that it will infer the type of the
function (λx → x
) which will be:
: α → α λx → x
… where α
is a unification variable (an unsolved type).
So you can read the above type annotation as saying “the type of
λx → x
is a function from some unknown input type
) to the same output type (α
Then the type checker will infer the type of the function’s input
argument (true
) which will be:
: Bool true
… and finally the type checker will combine those two pieces of information and reason about the final type like this:
- the input to the function (
) is aBool
- therefore the function’s input type (
) must also beBool
- therefore the function’s output type (
) must also beBool
- therefore the entire expression’s type is
… which gives the following conclusion of type inference:
: Bool (λx → x) true
However, managing unification variables like α
is a lot
trickier than it sounds. There are multiple unification
algorithms/frameworks in the wild but the problem with all of them is
that you have to essentially implement a bespoke logic programming
language (with all of the complexity that entails). Like, geez, I’m
already implementing a programming language and I don’t want to have to
implement a logic programming language on top of that just to power my
So there are a couple of ways I’ve been brainstorming how to address this problem and one idea I had was: what if we could get rid of unification variables altogether?
Deleting unification
Alright, so this is the part of the post that requires some familiarity/experience with implementing a type-checker. If you’re somebody new to programming language theory then you can still keep reading but this is where I have to assume some prior knowledge otherwise this post will get way too long.
The basic idea is that you start from the “Complete and Easy” bidirectional type checking algorithm which is a type checking algorithm that does use unification variables2 but is simpler than most type checking algorithms. The type checking rules look like this (you can just gloss over them):
Now, delete all the rules involving unification variables. Yes, all of them. That means that all of the type-checking judgments from Figures 9 and 10 are gone and also quite a few rules from Figure 11 disappear, too.
Surprisingly, you can still type check a lot of code with what’s left, but you lose two important type inference features if you do this:
you can no longer infer the types of lambda arguments
you can no longer automatically instantiate polymorphic code
… and I’ll dig into those two issues in more detail.
Inferring lambda argument types
You lose the ability to infer the type of a function like this one when you drop support for unification variables:
== False λx → x
Normally, a type checker that supports unification can infer that the
above function has type Bool → Bool
, but (in general) a
type checker can no longer infer that when you drop unification
variables from the implementation.
This loss is not too bad (in fact, it’s a pretty common trade-off proposed in the bidirectional type checking literature) because you can make up for it in a few ways (all of which are easy and efficient to implement in a type checker):
You can allow the input type to be inferred if the lambda is given an explicit type annotation, like this:
== False : Bool → Bool λx → x
More generally, you can allow the input type to be inferred if the lambda is checked against an expected type (and a type annotation is one case, but not the only case, where a lambda is checked against an expected type).
We’re going to lean on this pretty heavily because it’s pretty reasonable to ask users to provide type annotations for function definitions and also because there are many situations where we can infer the expected type of a lambda expression from its immediate context.
You can allow the user to explicitly supply the type of the argument
… like this:
: Bool) → x == False λ(x
This is how Dhall works, although it’s not as ergonomic.
You can allow the input type to be inferred if the lambda is applied to an argument
This is not that interesting, but I’m mentioning it for completeness. The reason it’s not interesting is because you won’t often see expressions of the form
(λx → e) y
in the wild, because they can more idiomatically be rewritten aslet x = y in e
Instantiating polymorphic code
The bigger issue with dropping support for unification variables is: all user-defined polymorphic functions now require explicit type abstraction and explicit type application, which is a major regression in the type system’s user experience.
For example, in a language with unification variables you can write the polymorphic identity function as:
λx → x
… and use it like this3:
let id = λx → x
in (id true, id 1)
… but when you drop support for unification variables then you have to do something like this:
let id = λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → x
in (id Bool true, id Natural 1)
Most programmers do NOT want to program in a language where they have to explicitly manipulate type variables in this way. In particular, they really hate explicit type application. For example, nobody wants to write:
map { x : Bool, … large record … } Bool (λr → r.x) rs
So we need to figure out some way to work around this limitation.
The trick
However, there is a solution that I believe gives a high power-to-weight ratio, which I will refer to as “keyword” type checking:
add a bunch of built-in functions
Specifically, add enough built-in functions to cover most use cases where users would need a polymorphic function.
add special type-checking rules for those built-in functions when they’re fully saturated with all of their arguments
These special-cased type-checking rules would not require unification variables.
still require explicit type abstraction when these built-in functions are not fully saturated
Alternatively, you can require that built-in polymorphic functions are fully saturated with their arguments and make it a parsing error if they’re not.
still require explicit type abstraction and explicit type application for all user-defined (i.e. non-builtin) polymorphic functions
optionally, turn these built-in functions into keywords or language constructs
I’ll give a concrete example: the map
function for
lists. In many functional programming languages this map
function is not a built-in function; rather it’s defined within the host
language as a function of the following type:
map : ∀(a b : Type) → (a → b) → List a → List b
What I’m proposing is that the map
function would now
become a built-in function within the language and you would now apply a
special type-checking rule when the map
function is fully
Γ ⊢ xs ⇒ List a Γ ⊢ f ⇐ a → b
Γ ⊢ map f xs ⇐ List b
In other words, we’re essentially treating the map
built-in function like a “keyword” in our language (when it’s fully
saturated). Just like a keyword, it’s a built-in language feature that
has special type-checking rules. Hell, you could even make it an actual
keyword or language construct (e.g. a list comprehension) instead of a
function call.
I would even argue that you should make each of these special-cased builtin-functions a keyword or a language construct instead of a function call (which is why I call this “keyword type checking” in the first place). When viewed through this lens the restrictions that these polymorphic built-in functions (A) are saturated with their arguments and (B) have a special type checking judgment are no different than the restrictions for ordinary keywords or language constructs (which also must be saturated with their arguments and also require special type checking judgments).
To make an analogy, in many functional programming languages the
construct has this
same “keyword” status. You typically don’t implement it as a user-space
function of this type:
: ∀(a : Type) → Bool → a → a → a ifThenElse
Rather, you define if
as a language construct and you
also add a special type-checking rule for if
Γ ⊢ b ⇐ Bool Γ ⊢ x ⇒ a Γ ⊢ y ⇐ a
Γ ⊢ if b then x else y ⇒ a
… and what I’m proposing is essentially greatly exploding the number of “keywords” in the implementation of the language by turning a whole bunch of commonly-used polymorphic functions into built-in functions (or keywords, or language constructs) that are given special type-checking treatment.
For example, suppose the user were to create a polymorphic function like this one:
let twice = λ(a : Type) → λ(x : a) → [ x, x ]
in twice (List Bool) (twice Bool true)
That’s not very ergonomic to define and use, but we also can’t
reasonably expect our programming language to provide a
built-in function. However, our language could
provide a generally useful replicate
builtin function (like
replicate : ∀(a : Type) → Natural → a → List a
… with the following type-checking judgment:
Γ ⊢ n ⇐ Natural Γ ⊢ x ⇒ a
Γ ⊢ replicate n x ⇒ List a
… and then you would tell the user to use replicate
directly instead of defining their own twice
replicate 2 (replicate 2 true)
… and if the user were to ask you “How do I define a
synonym for replicate 2
” you would just
tell them “Don’t do that. Use replicate 2
This approach has the major upside that it’s much easier to implement a large number of keywords than it is to implement a unification algorithm, but there are other benefits to doing this, too!
It discourages complexity and fragmentation in user-space code
Built-in polymorphic functions have an ergonomic advantage over user-defined polymorphic functions because under this framework type inference works better for built-in functions. This creates an ergonomic incentive to stick to the “standard library” of built-in polymorphic functions, which in turn promotes an opinionated coding style across all code written in that language.
You might notice that this approach is somewhat similar in spirit to how Go handles polymorphism which is to say: it doesn’t handle user-defined polymorphic code well. For example, Go provides a few built-in language features that support polymorphism (e.g. the
data structure and for loops) but if users ask for any sort of user-defined polymorphism then the maintainers tell them they’re wrong for wanting that. The main difference here is that (unlike Go) we do actually support user-defined polymorphism; it’s not forbidden, but it is less ergonomic than sticking to the built-in utilities that support polymorphism..It improves error messages
When you special-case the type-checking logic you can also special-case the error messages, too! With general-purpose unification the error message can often be a bit divorced from the user’s intent, but with “keyword type checking” the error message is not only more local to the problem but it can also suggest highly-specific tips or fixes appropriate for that built-in function (or keyword or language construct).
It can in some cases more closely match the expectations of imperative programmers
What I mean is: most programmers coming from an imperative and typed background are used to languages where (most of the time) polymorphism is “supported” via built-in language constructs and keywords and user-defined polymorphism might be supported but considered “fancy”. Leaning on polymorphism via keywords and language constructs would actually make them more comfortable using polymorphism instead of trying to teach them how to produce and consume user-defined polymorphic functions.
For example, in a lot of imperative languages the idiomatic solution for how to do anything with a list is “use a for loop” where you can think of a for loop as a built-in keyword that supports polymorphic code. The functional programming equivalent of “just use a for loop” would be something like “just use a list comprehension” (where a list comprehension is a “keyword” that supports polymorphic code that we can give special type checking treatment).
That said, this approach is still more brittle than unification and will require more type annotations in general. The goal here isn’t to completely recover the full power of unification but rather to get something that’s not too bad but significantly easier to implement.
I think this “keyword type checking” can potentially occupy a “low tech” point in the type checking design space for functional programming languages that need to have efficient and compact implementations (e.g. for ease of embedding). Also, this can potentially provide a stop-gap solution for novice language implementers that want some sort of a type system but they’re not willing to commit to implementing a unification-based type system.
There’s also variation on this idea which Verity Scheel has been exploring, which is to provide userland support for defining new functions with special type-checking rules and there’s a post from her outlining how to do that:
User Operators with Implicits & Overloads
The other approach is to create essentially an “ABNF for type checkers” that would let you write type-checking judgments in a standard format that could generate the corresponding type-checking code in multiple languages. That’s still a work-in-progress, though.↩︎
I believe some people might take issue with calling these unification variables because they consider bidirectional type checking as a distinct framework from unification. Moreover, in the original bidirectional type checking paper they’re called “unsolved” variables rather than unification variables. However, I feel that for the purpose of this post it’s still morally correct to refer to these unsolved variables as unification variables since their usage and complexity tradeoffs are essentially identical to unification variables in traditional unification algorithms.↩︎
… assuming
expressions are generalized.↩︎
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