Monday, April 3, 2023

Ergonomic newtypes for Haskell strings and numbers

Ergonomic newtypes for Haskell strings and numbers

This blog post summarizes a very brief trick I commonly recommend whenever I see something like this:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Text (Text)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text }
    deriving (Show)

newtype Age = Age { getAge :: Natural }
    deriving (Show)

data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Age }
    deriving (Show)

example :: Person
example = Person{ name = Name "John Doe", age = Age 42 }

… where the newtypes are not opaque (i.e. the newtype constructors are exported), so the newtypes are more for documentation purposes rather than type safety.

The issue with the above code is that the newtypes add extra boilerplate for both creating and displaying those types. For example, in order to create the Name and Age newtypes you need to explicitly specify the Name and Age constructors (like in the definition for example above) and they also show up when displaying values for debugging purposes (e.g. in the REPL):

>>> example
Person {name = Name {getName = "John Doe"}, age = Age {getAge = 42}}

Fortunately, you can easily elide these noisy constructors if you follow these rules of thumb:

  • Derive IsString for newtypes around string-like types

  • Derive Num for newtypes around numeric types

  • Change the Show instances to use the underlying Show for the wrapped type

For example, I would suggest amending the original code like this:

{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings          #-}

module Example1 where

import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.String (IsString)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text }
    deriving newtype (IsString, Show)

newtype Age = Age { getAge :: Natural }
    deriving newtype (Num, Show)

data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Age }
    deriving stock (Show)

example :: Person
example = Person{ name = "John Doe", age = 42 }

… and now the Age and Name constructors are invisible, even when displaying these types (using their Show instances):

>>> example
Person {name = "John Doe", age = 42}

That is the entirety of the trick, but if you still don’t follow, I’ll expand upon that below.


Revisiting the starting code:

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Text (Text)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)

newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text }
    deriving (Show)

newtype Age = Age { getAge :: Natural }
    deriving (Show)

data Person = Person { name :: Name, age :: Age }
    deriving (Show)

example :: Person
example = Person{ name = Name "John Doe", age = Age 42 }

… the first thing we’re going to do is to enable the DerivingStrategies language extension because I’m going to lean pretty heavily on Haskell’s support for deriving typeclass instances in this post and I want to be more explicit about how these instances are being derived:

{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}

newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text }
    deriving stock (Show)

newtype Age = Age { getAge :: Natural }
    deriving stock (Show)

I’ve changed the code to explicitly specify that we’re deriving Show using the “stock” deriving strategy, meaning that Haskell has built-in language support for deriving Show and we’re going to use that.

The next step is that we’re going to add an IsString instance for Name because it wraps a string-like type (Text). However, at first we’ll write out the instance by hand:

import Data.String (IsString(..))

instance IsString Name where
    fromString string = Name (fromString string)

This IsString instance works in conjunction with Haskell’s OverloadedStrings so that we can directly use a string literal in place of a Name, like this:

example :: Person
example = Person{ name = "John Doe", age = Age 42 }
                      -- ↑
                      -- No more Name constructor required here

… and the reason that works is because the compiler implicitly inserts fromString around all string literals when you enable OverloadedStrings, as if we had written this:

example :: Person
example = Person{ name = fromString "John Doe", age = Age 42 }

The IsString instance for Name:

instance IsString Name where
    fromString string = Name (fromString string)

… essentially defers to the IsString instance for the underlying wrapped type (Text). In fact, this pattern of deferring to the underlying instance is common enough that Haskell provides a language extension for this purpose: GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving. If we enable that language extension, then we can simplify the IsString instance to this:

{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}

newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text }
    deriving stock (Show)
    deriving newtype (IsString)

The deriving newtype indicates that we’re explicitly using the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving extension to derive the implementation for the IsString instance.

In this particular case we don’t have to specify the deriving strategy; we could have just said deriving (IsString) and it still would have worked because it wasn’t ambiguous; no other deriving strategy would have worked in this case. However, as we’re about to see there are cases where you want to explicitly disambiguate between multiple possible deriving strategies.

The next step is that we implement Num for our Age type since it wraps a numeric type (Natural):

instance Num Age where
    Age x + Age y = Age (x + y)

    Age x - Age y = Age (x - y)

    Age x * Age y = Age (x * y)

    negate (Age x) = Age (negate x)

    abs (Age x) = Age (abs x)

    signum (Age x) = Age (signum x)

    fromInteger integer = Age (fromInteger integer)

Bleh! That’s a lot of work to do when really we were most interested in the fromInteger method (so that we could use numeric literals directly to create an Age).

The reason we care about the fromInteger method is because Haskell lets you use integer literals for any type that implements Num (without any language extension; this is part of the base language). So, for example, we can further simplify our example Person to:

example :: Person
example = Person{ name = "John Doe", age = 42 }
                                        -- ↑
                                        -- No more Age constructor required here

… and the reason that works is because the compiler implicitly inserts fromInteger around all integer literals, as if we had written this:

example :: Person
example = Person{ name = "John Doe", age = fromInteger 42 }

It would be nice if Haskell had a dedicated class for just the fromInteger method (e.g. IsInteger), but alas if we want ergonomic support for numeric literals then we have to add support for other numeric operations, too, even if they might not necessarily make sense for our newtype.

Like before, though, we can use the GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving extension to derive Num instead:

newtype Age = Age { getAge :: Natural }
    deriving stock (Show)
    deriving newtype (Num)

Much better!

However, we’re not done, yet, because at the moment these Name and Age constructors still appear in the debug output:

>>> example
Person {name = Name {getName = "John Doe"}, age = Age {getAge = 42}}


Okay, so the final step is to change the Show instances for Name and Age to defer to the Show instances for their underlying types:

instance Show Name where
    show (Name string) = show string

instance Show Age where
    show (Age natural) = show natural

These are still valid Show instances! The Show class requires that the displayed representation should be valid Haskell code for creating a value of that type, and in both cases that’s what we get.

For example, if you show a value like Name "John Doe" you will get "John Doe", and that’s valid Haskell code for creating a Name if you enable OverloadedStrings.

Note: You might argue that this is not a valid Show instance because it requires the use of a language extension (e.g. OverloadedStrings) in order to be valid code. However, this is no different than the Show instance for Text (which is also only valid if you enable OverloadedStrings), and most people do not take issue with that Show instance for Text either.

Similarly, if you show a value like Age 42 you will get 42, and that’s valid Haskell code for creating an Age.

So with those two new Show instances our Person type now renders much more compactly:

>>> example
Person {name = "John Doe", age = 42}

… but we’re not done! The last part of the trick is to use GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving to derive the Show instances, like this:

newtype Name = Name { getName :: Text }
    deriving newtype (IsString, Show)

newtype Age = Age { getAge :: Natural }
    deriving newtype (Num, Show)

… and this is where the DerivingStrategies language extension really matters! Without that extension there would be no way to tell the compiler to derive Show by deferring to the underlying type. By default, if you don’t specify the deriving strategy then the compiler assumes that derived Show instances use the stock deriving strategy.


There’s one last bonus to doing things in this way: you might now be able to hide the newtype constructor by not exporting it! I think this is actually the most important benefit of all because a newtype with an exposed constructor doesn’t really improve upon the type safety of the underlying type.

When a newtype like Name or Age exposes the newtype constructor then the newtype serves primarily as documentation and I’m not a big fan of this “newtypes as documentation” design pattern. However, I’m not that strongly opposed to it either; I wouldn’t use it in own code, but I also wouldn’t insist that others don’t use it. Another post which takes a stronger stance on this is Names are not type safety, especially the section on “Newtypes as tokens”.

I’m personally okay with other people using newtypes in this way, but if you do use “newtypes as documentation” then please add IsString / Num / Show instances as described in this post so that they’re more ergonomic for others to use.